
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun

German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun

German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun Germany WW1 wwI Bronze 1. 40x25x7mm 9.37g 2. 40x32x7mm 5.83g? 601. Do you always want to be the first to see new interesting items? Subscribe to my items, add to your favorite sellers. Be the first to see, win and enjoy the win! Thank you for your time!
German kriegsmarine pendant set WW2 Navy Marine WWII Battleship Artillery gun


Wwii Czechoslovak Army Helmet M29 / Special Firefighter Corps

Wwii Czechoslovak Army Helmet M29 / Special Firefighter Corps
Wwii Czechoslovak Army Helmet M29 / Special Firefighter Corps
Wwii Czechoslovak Army Helmet M29 / Special Firefighter Corps

Wwii Czechoslovak Army Helmet M29 / Special Firefighter Corps
WWII CZECHOSLOVAK ARMY HELMET M29 / SPECIAL FIREFIGHTER CORPS. Rare Czechoslovak Army helmet M29. In good (used) condition to its age and history original black color – in good condition, old patina leather liner and leather chin strap – both included and both in good condition – rare badge for special firefighter corps weight: 800 g. Rare army helmet (N660).
Wwii Czechoslovak Army Helmet M29 / Special Firefighter Corps


1930s French Diplomat’s Visor Cap

1930s French Diplomat's Visor Cap
1930s French Diplomat's Visor Cap
1930s French Diplomat's Visor Cap
1930s French Diplomat's Visor Cap
1930s French Diplomat's Visor Cap
1930s French Diplomat's Visor Cap
1930s French Diplomat's Visor Cap

1930s French Diplomat's Visor Cap
A scarce 1930s vintage French diplomat’s visor cap, in black wool. Manufactured by Lussan-Roque, Paris. Of interest to military medal and uniform collectors. See other listings for another civil French hat.
1930s French Diplomat's Visor Cap


Original Pre-WWII German Army Weimar Reichswehr ID Truppen Ausweis Putsch RARE

Original Pre-WWII German Army Weimar Reichswehr ID Truppen Ausweis Putsch RARE
Original Pre-WWII German Army Weimar Reichswehr ID Truppen Ausweis Putsch RARE

Original Pre-WWII German Army Weimar Reichswehr ID Truppen Ausweis Putsch RARE
Original Pre-WWII German Army Weimar Reichswehr Soldier ID Truppen Ausweis RARE. A very rare photo identity paper known as the Troop Identity. Issued to Oberwachtmeister Otto Wehring in the Reichswehr in 1923 with Artillerie Regiment Nr 5. He was one of the 100,000 standing army. Interestingly the II Batt, that Wehring was in was in Bayern, and the Reichswehr took part in the downing of H Putsch in 9 November 1923. If Wehring was present, we will not know, but he certainly was in active service at the time in a very small army.’Reich Defense’ was the official name of the German armed forces during the Weimar Republic and the first years of the Third Reich. After Germany was defeated in World War I, the Imperial German Army (Deutsches Heer) was dissolved in order to be reshaped into a peacetime army. From it a provisional Reichswehr was formed in March 1919. Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the rebuilt German army was subject to severe limitations in size, structure and armament. The official formation of the Reichswehr took place on 1 January 1921 after the limitations had been met. The German armed forces kept the name’Reichswehr’ until Adolf Hitler’s 1935 proclamation of the “restoration of military sovereignty”, at which point it became part of the new Wehrmacht. Although ostensibly apolitical, the Reichswehr acted as a state within a state, and its leadership was an important political power factor in the Weimar Republic. The Reichswehr sometimes supported the democratic government, as it did in the Ebert-Groener Pact when it pledged its loyalty to the Republic, and sometimes backed anti-democratic forces through such means as the Black Reichswehr, the illegal paramilitary groups it sponsored in contravention of the Versailles Treaty. The Reichswehr saw itself as a cadre army that would preserve the expertise of the old imperial military and form the basis for German rearmament. Structure of the Reichswehr. Arms limitations under the Treaty of Versailles. In Part V of the 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty, Germany had obligated itself to limit the size and armaments of its military forces so that they could be used only as border protection and for the maintenance of order within Germany. In accordance with the treaty’s provisions, personnel strength was limited to a professional army of 100,000 men plus a 15,000-man navy. The establishment of a general staff was prohibited. Heavy weapons above defined calibers, armored vehicles, submarines and large warships were prohibited, as was any type of air force. The regulations were overseen by the Military Inter-Allied Commission of Control until 1927. Conscription into the German army had traditionally been for a period of 1 to 3 years. After they had completed their terms of service, the discharged soldiers created a large pool of trained reserves. The Versailles Treaty fixed the term of service for Reichswehr officers at 25 years and for all others at 12 in order to prevent such a buildup of reservists. Artillerie Regiment Nr 5. The regiment was formed on January 1, 1921 in Ulm from the Reichswehr Artillery Regiments 11, 13 and 14 of the Transitional Army. At the beginning of the 1920s, the departments in Ulm and Fulda exchanged their numbering. In the course of the expansion of the Reichswehr in 1934, the new regiments Artillery Regiment Ulm, Artillery Regiment Fulda and Artillery Regiment Ludwigsburg, each with five departments, were set up from the three departments of the regiment. On October 15, the Artillery Regiment Ulm was renamed Artillery Regiment 5 and placed under the 5th Infantry Division. Check back often – we search estates and sources across the world to bring a fine selection of militaria. Please review all photos for details regarding the condition of the item listed – further condition information will be included in the listing as is relevant, if you need additional photographs or have questions regarding the condition please do not hesitate to ask. I describe all items to the best of my ability – please do not hesitate to ask any and all questions prior to the close of the listing. Mistakes very rarely occur – however if one does please rest assured that it will be corrected. International Buyers are Welcome!
Original Pre-WWII German Army Weimar Reichswehr ID Truppen Ausweis Putsch RARE


Ww2 Ventennio Plaque Placca Premio Campionati Ciclistici Del Mondo Roma 1932

Ww2 Ventennio Plaque Placca Premio Campionati Ciclistici Del Mondo Roma 1932
Ww2 Ventennio Plaque Placca Premio Campionati Ciclistici Del Mondo Roma 1932
Ww2 Ventennio Plaque Placca Premio Campionati Ciclistici Del Mondo Roma 1932
Ww2 Ventennio Plaque Placca Premio Campionati Ciclistici Del Mondo Roma 1932
Ww2 Ventennio Plaque Placca Premio Campionati Ciclistici Del Mondo Roma 1932
Ww2 Ventennio Plaque Placca Premio Campionati Ciclistici Del Mondo Roma 1932

Ww2 Ventennio Plaque Placca Premio Campionati Ciclistici Del Mondo Roma 1932
WW2 VENTENNIO PLAQUE PLACCA PREMIO CAMPIONATI CICLISTICI DEL MONDO ROMA 1932 A. WW2 VENTENNIO PLAQUE PLACCA PREMIO CAMPIONATI CICLISTICI DEL MONDO ROMA 1932. ITALY: 7.00 US DOLLARS CON CORRIERE ESPRESSO. International Buyers Please Note. PLEASE SEE ITEM DESCRIPTION. Dharma di Caterina Cimmino e C. Via Manzoni, 51 80046 – San Giorgio a Cremano (NA). Informativa sul trattamento dei Suoi dati personali Art. 13 GDPR Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati (UE/2016/679). Gentile Cliente, La informiamo che, per linstaurazione e lesecuzione dei rapporti contrattuali con Lei in corso, la nostra organizzazione è in possesso di Suoi dati, acquisiti anche verbalmente, direttamente o tramite terzi, qualificati come personali dal GDPR UE 679/2016. In conformità a tale norma La invitiamo, quindi, a leggere attentamente la seguente informativa. Natura dei dati trattati: Trattiamo i Suoi dati anagrafici, fiscali, di natura economica, necessari allo svolgimento dei rapporti contrattuali in essere o futuri. Non siamo in possesso di alcun Suo dato qualificabile come particolare art. 9 del regolamento o di natura giudiziaria art. Finalità del trattamento e periodo di conservazione dei dati: I Suoi dati vengono trattati per tutta la durata del rapporto contrattuale ed anche successivamente, per esigenze contrattuali, a seguito di adempimenti di obblighi legali e, per unefficace gestione dei rapporti finanziari e commerciali. Gli stessi saranno conservati per il tempo necessario per adempiere agli obblighi fiscali come previsto dalla normativa nazionale. Modalità del trattamento: Il trattamento dei dati avviene mediante lutilizzo di strumenti e procedure idonei a garantirne sicurezza e riservatezza e potrà essere effettuato sia mediante supporti cartacei, sia attraverso lausilio di mezzi informatici automatizzati, atti a memorizzare, gestire e trasmettere i dati stessi. Obbligo o facoltà di conferire i dati: Per quanto concerne i dati che siamo obbligati a conoscere, al fine di adempiere agli obblighi previsti da leggi, il loro mancato conferimento da parte Sua comporta limpossibilità di instaurare o proseguire il rapporto, nei limiti in cui tali dati sono necessari allesecuzione dello stesso. Ambito di conoscenza dei Suoi dati: Le seguenti categorie di soggetti possono venire a conoscenza dei Suoi dati: Titolare, Responsabile ed incaricati del trattamento, soggetti nostri consulenti, in qualità di responsabili esterni, nei limiti necessari per svolgere il loro incarico presso la nostra organizzazione, previo nostra lettera di incarico che imponga il dovere di riservatezza e sicurezza. Comunicazione e diffusione: I Suoi dati non verranno da noi diffusi a soggetti indeterminati mediante la loro messa a disposizione o consultazione. I Suoi dati potranno da noi essere comunicati, per quanto di loro rispettiva e specifica competenza, ad Enti ed in generale ad ogni soggetto pubblico o privato rispetto al quale vi sia per noi obbligo (o facoltà riconosciuta da norme di legge o di normativa secondaria o comunitaria) o necessità di comunicazione. I Suoi diritti: Gli art. Dal 15 al 22 del GDPR UE 679/2016 Le conferiscono specifici diritti. In particolare, potrà ottenere conferma dell’esistenza o meno di dati personali che La riguardano e la comunicazione di tali dati e delle finalità su cui si basa il trattamento. Inoltre, potrà ottenere la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco dei dati trattati in violazione di legge, nonché l’aggiornamento, la rettifica o, qualora sussista un Suo interesse in merito, l’integrazione dei dati. Potrà opporsi, per motivi legittimi, al trattamento stesso. Le chiediamo cortesemente di segnalare tempestivamente al Titolare del trattamento ogni eventuale variazione dei Suoi dati personali in modo da poter ottemperare allart. 16 della suddetta normativa che richiede che i dati raccolti siano esatti e, quindi, aggiornati. Titolare del trattamento è Dharma di Caterina Cimmino e C. Il Responsabile del trattamento è la Sig. ALL THE ITEMS FOR SALE ARE USED. ANY DEFECT WILL BE SPECIFIED. IF SOME ITEM HAD TO BE NEW IT WILL BE SPECIFIED. We do our very best to describe with photos our merchandise accurately. L’acquirente può godere di diritti aggiuntivi in base a quanto stabilito dalla Normativa sulle vendite a distanza. L’acquirente ha il diritto di restituire l’oggetto entro 10 giorni dopo la ricezione. Dettagli sulla restituzione: Diritto di recesso Ai sensi dell’art. 185/1999, in materia di vendite a distanza, se il Cliente è un consumatore ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto per qualsiasi motivo e senza fornire spiegazioni. Per esercitare tale diritto, il cliente dovrà inviare a mezzo lettera raccomandata A. Una comunicazione in tale senso, entro 10 giorni lavorativi dalla data di ricevimento della merce. La comunicazione dovrà essere indirizzata, a: Dharma di Caterina Cimmino & c. Giorgio a Cremano 80046 Napoli Italia P. La merce dovrà poi essere restituita a cura e spese del Cliente entro 10 giorni dalla data di consegna della merce stessa. Si provvederà alla restituzione dell’intero importo pagato (escluso le spese di spedizione) dopo aver accertato l? DHARMA SAS DI CATERINA CIMMINO & C. Get Supersized Images & Free Image Hosting. Create your brand with Auctiva’s. Attention Sellers – Get Templates Image Hosting, Scheduling at Auctiva. Com. Track Page Views With.
Ww2 Ventennio Plaque Placca Premio Campionati Ciclistici Del Mondo Roma 1932


Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original

Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original
Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original
Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original
Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original
Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original
Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original
Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original

Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original
War Medal of Military Virtue. The Medal of Military Virtue was instituted by royal decree on May 17, 1872. The medal is hung from a red ribbon flanked by stripes of light blue. The medal was instituted in two classes: Gold for officers (1st Class) and silver for enlisted men (2nd class). In 1880 the Medal of Military Virtue was reformed by royal decree. Soldiers who had earned the medal during wartime were authorized to turn in their medals for a new’war’ medal (Medalia Virtutea Militara de Razboi). The new medal was in the form of a cross and was awarded for bravery only during wartime. In the center of the cross is a medallion with a bust of Carol I surrounded by the inscription, “Carol I Domunul Romaniei”. On the reverse is the inscription “Virtute Militara”. Beginning in 1918, the medal was awarded exclusively to enlisted men in both grades, and was the highest award for bravery that could be awarded to enlisted soldiers. It was awarded for life to reward either long service or deeds of merit, courage and devotion, but could not be transmitted to others upon the recipient’s death. From my personal collection. The one pictured is the one you will receive.
Romania Kingdom War Medal of Military Virtue Original


1920 Spanish Officer Gorget

1920 Spanish Officer Gorget
1920 Spanish Officer Gorget
1920 Spanish Officer Gorget

1920 Spanish Officer Gorget
The product is an original 1920 Spanish Officer Gorget. It is a collectible item that falls under the Militaria category and specifically belongs to the 1919-38 era. The item is a period original and not a reproduction.
1920 Spanish Officer Gorget


WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920

WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920

WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920
Hello and thank you for your interest in this item and in shopping with us. Before purchasing any item from us, please read “the particulars” below and understand and agree with them. This is a WWI era cotton tunic. The jacket is in good condition but with a few notes. The shoulder epaulets have been removed. There is light wear, though in really great condition for a 100-year old jacket. The jacket came with a belt, though I don’t believe these tunics originally came with a belt. All the US Army buttons have been replaced by “FREELAND” change buttons. There is no size tag. Following is the measured size of this garment. Chest is measured from armpit seam to armpit seam. Shoulders are measured from shoulder seam to shoulder seam. Length is measured from the bottom of the collar to the bottom of the garment (including waistbands). Sleeve is measured from the shoulder seam to the end of the sleeve (including cuffs). Pants waist is measured unstretched across the top of the garment from side to side. Inseam is measured from the crotch down the inseam to the bottom of the pant leg (including any cuff). Your satisfaction is our priority. We want our customers to have a good shopping experience with us. The vast majority of the items that we sell are pre-owned, meaning they have been used. Therefore, many of them will show light signs of wear. Unless expressly noted as “new with tags”, buyers must understand that the items we sell are used and will likely have small imperfections or other signs of use. The items may have been washed and worn, they may have scuffs or light marks. We make every effort to accurately describe the items that we sell and to photograph any imperfections. However, it is possible that we will miss a detail of an item in the listing process. If we have erred in describing some aspect of the measurements or condition of an item, we will gladly accept a return and offer an apology. Doing that is against U. Thank you once again for shopping with us.
WWI US Army Cotton Tunic Jacket FREELAND Workwear Change Buttons Dated 1920