Comes complete with original liner and chin strap. In very good used condition.
Italian WW 2 helmet enthusiasts will appreciate this lot of 11 original Italian M33 helmet shells, perfect for collectors of battlefield pickups. See pictures for condition.
OLD VINTAGE CZECHOSLOVAK ARMY HELMET M29 / GERMAN TYPE / GOOD CONDITION. Rare Czechoslovak Army helmet M29. This model was designed in two variations: with decorative crest (of French Adrian style) and with 2×7 holes airvents (of German style) – this type. In good (used) condition to its age and history, original state, patina. Leather liner and leather chin strap – both in good condition. Rare variant – type with 2×7 holes airvents (German type).

Interwar – WW2 Refurbished M1917 Helmet First Sergeant 15th Engineer Battalion. Wonderful & Historic Original. Interwar – WWII Refurbished M1917 “Doughboy” Helmet First Sergeant 15th Engineer Battalion, with Initials D. A Great Candidate for any Period Collection, War Room, or Display. Recent Estate Collection Acquisition & Presented as Acquired – Displays Nicely, Scarce First Sergeant Rank. Check back often – we search estates and sources across the world to bring a fine selection of militaria. Please review all photos for details regarding the condition of the item listed – further condition information will be included in the listing as is relevant, if you need additional photographs or have questions regarding the condition please do not hesitate to ask. I describe all items to the best of my ability – please do not hesitate to ask any and all questions prior to the close of the listing. Mistakes very rarely occur – however if one does please rest assured that it will be corrected. International Buyers are Welcome!
WWII CZECHOSLOVAK ARMY HELMET M29 / SPECIAL FIREFIGHTER CORPS. Rare Czechoslovak Army helmet M29. In good (used) condition to its age and history original black color – in good condition, old patina leather liner and leather chin strap – both included and both in good condition – rare badge for special firefighter corps weight: 800 g. Rare army helmet (N660).

If you have doubts, questions or need advice: please contact me. You get answer within a day. Please ask an invoice before you pay. Size: ca 57 cm. All details are original: Original sanded paint, early liner and original chin strap (8 cm shorter than from production). The M16A has two air ventilation holes and 3 oblong holes in the brim. The Mod16B has three oblong holes in the brim and no air ventures in the bowl, the Mod16C and Mod16D had one oblong hole. It was used by the army until the introduction of the M27 steel helmet. When the Dutch Army went short of helmets in the’30’s it was re-introduced. A rare helmet that will take a unique place in a high-end quality helmet collection. Have a good look at the photos and please see my other ads as well. Sie bieten auf einen niederländischen Helm Mod16A mit Originalfutter und Kinnriemen. Original abgeschliffener Lack, frühes Futter und Originalkinnriemen (8 cm kürzer als bei der Produktion). Der M16A hat zwei Belüftungslöcher und 3 Langlöcher in der Krempe. Der Mod16B hat drei Langlöcher in der Krempe und keine Belüftungsöffnungen in der Helmschale, der Mod16C und der Mod16D hatten ein Langloch. Er wurde von der Armee bis zur Einführung des Stahlhelms M27 verwendet. Als die niederländische Armee in den 30er Jahren einen Mangel an Helmen hatte, wurde er wieder eingeführt. Ein seltener Helm, der einen einzigartigen Platz in einer hochwertigen Helmsammlung einnehmen wird. Schauen Sie sich die Fotos genau an und schauen Sie sich auch meine anderen Anzeigen an. Vous enchérissez sur un casque hollandais Mod16A avec doublure et mentonnière d’origine. Peinture poncée d’origine, doublure ancienne et mentonnière d’origine (8 cm plus courte que celle de production). Le modèle 16 a été introduit lors de la mobilisation aux Pays-Bas de 1914 à 1918, Première Guerre mondiale. Le M16A a deux trous de ventilation d’air et 3 trous oblongs dans le bord. Le Mod16B a trois trous oblongs dans le bord et aucune ouverture d’air dans la cuvette, les Mod16C et Mod16D avaient un trou oblong. Il a été utilisé par l’armée jusqu’à l’introduction du casque en acier M27. Lorsque l’armée néerlandaise s’est retrouvée à court de casques dans les années 30, il a été réintroduit. Un casque rare qui occupera une place unique dans une collection de casques haut de gamme. Regardez bien les photos et consultez également mes autres annonces. Estás pujando por un casco holandés Mod16A con forro y correa de barbilla originales. Pintura lijada original, forro antiguo y correa de barbilla original (8 cm más corta que la de producción). El modelo 16 se introdujo durante la movilización en los Países Bajos de 1914 a 1918, Primera Guerra Mundial. El M16A tiene dos orificios de ventilación y 3 orificios oblongos en el ala. El Mod16B tiene tres orificios oblongos en el ala y no tiene orificios de ventilación en la cazoleta; el Mod16C y el Mod16D tenían un orificio oblongo. Fue utilizado por el ejército hasta la introducción del casco de acero M27. Cuando el ejército holandés se quedó sin cascos en los años 30, se volvió a introducir. Un casco raro que ocupará un lugar único en una colección de cascos de alta calidad. Mire atentamente las fotos y vea también mis otros anuncios. Stai offrendo un elmetto olandese Mod16A con fodera e sottogola originali. Vernice originale levigata, fodera iniziale e sottogola originale (8 cm più corta rispetto alla produzione). L’M16A ha due fori di ventilazione e 3 fori oblunghi nella visiera. Il Mod16B ha tre fori oblunghi nella visiera e nessuna presa d’aria nella calotta, il Mod16C e il Mod16D avevano un foro oblungo. Fu utilizzato dall’esercito fino all’introduzione dell’elmetto in acciaio M27. Quando l’esercito olandese si ritrovò a corto di elmetti negli anni’30, fu reintrodotto. Un elmetto raro che occuperà un posto unico in una collezione di elmetti di alta qualità. Osservate attentamente le foto e date un’occhiata anche ai miei altri annunci. Mod16A?? (8)???????????????????????????? Mod16A?????????????????????????????? (?? 8 cm?)??? 16???????? 1914 ~ 1918??????? M16A??? 2??????? 3????????? Mod16B?????? 3??????????????????? Mod16C? Mod16D????? 1?????? M27?????????????????????????

If you need some time to pay, please inform me and we’ll come to a deal. Please ask before you pay. Size ca 56 cm measured. Original 1930’s Brazilian sun helmet in good condition. The outside bowl was repainted in the original shade you see on the visors. The small crest is made of leather. See the pictures as they are part of the description and see my other ads as well please. Originaler brasilianischer Sonnenhelm aus den 1930er Jahren in gutem Zustand. Die Außenschale wurde in dem Originalton neu lackiert, den Sie auf den Visieren sehen. Das kleine Wappen ist aus Leder. Sehen Sie sich die Bilder an, da sie Teil der Beschreibung sind, und sehen Sie sich bitte auch meine anderen Angebote an. Capacete de sol brasileiro original dos anos 1930 em boas condições. A tigela externa foi repintada no tom original que você vê nas viseiras. O pequeno brasão é feito de couro. Veja as fotos, pois elas fazem parte da descrição, e veja meus outros anúncios também, por favor. Casque de soleil brésilien original des années 1930 en bon état. La coque extérieure a été repeinte dans la teinte d’origine que vous voyez sur les visières. Le petit écusson est en cuir. Voir les photos car elles font partie de la description et voir également mes autres annonces s’il vous plaît. Casco solar brasileño original de los años 30 en buen estado. El exterior se volvió a pintar en el tono original que se ve en las viseras. El pequeño escudo está hecho de cuero. Vea las imágenes, ya que son parte de la descripción y también mis otros anuncios. Casco da sole brasiliano originale degli anni’30 in buone condizioni. La calotta esterna è stata ridipinta nella tonalità originale che vedi sulle visiere. La piccola cresta è in pelle. Guarda le foto perché fanno parte della descrizione e dai un’occhiata anche ai miei altri annunci. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? . ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? . ??????????????????????? . No translation until Russia stops the war it started against democratic Ukraine.

Rare Vintage Swedish Army Steel Helmet/ Casque with Insignia, Leather Lining with pads and Chin Strap. Chin Strap, Padding and leather lining is in good shape for the age. It appears to have been repainted but not sure if it was repainted in service or from a collector.
Royal Hungarian Army Enlisted Shako Helmet Insignia Badge pre ww2… It is a rather standard design, with a large front plate bearing the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Hungary. Under the coat of arms is a banner reading KIRÁLYÉRT ÉS HAZÁÉRT. Hungarian for “For King and Country”, the motto of the Royal Hungarian Army. Measurements 80 x 65 mm.

These items are special to me because they came from one of my mentors. Do not miss this once in a lifetime chance to own a true piece of American history. We have done our best to correctly describe each item, if we made any mistakes or you have more information on the item, please let us know so we can give true praise to these great men & women who served and protected all of the United States. Up for your consideration we have this original World War 1/World War 2, Thailand Siam Japanese type 90 Adrian artillery helmet w/ liner. I’m seeing these described as world War 1 and also as World War 2 so those more knowledgeable will know for sure. The helmet does have age appropriate wear the green paint. Condition as seen in photos. With all jewelry with stones, stones sizes and amounts are figured by calculation. (for an accurate total, you would have to remove the stones from the settings) During measurements there is some degree of calculation, so it is an approximation. In regards to our time pieces watches, clocks etc. We verify the condition when they leave our office and will be stated as working or not working. All working watches may still need to be professionally cleaned/serviced in order to keep time accurately. Each of our time pieces are vintage and used to a different degree. Please see all the photos and read entire description. If I’m unaware, I cannot help & resolve the issue. Please see our feedbacks. Your satisfaction is the only way to our success and I will do my best to keep it that way. After that it will go by weight. Please request a total or wait for a combined invoice before paying. You must return an item in the same condition as it was received.