Order Of St. George And Constantine

Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine
Order Of St. George And Constantine

Order Of St. George And Constantine
This is the description. U will received everything u see on the pictures. The item “Order Of St. George And Constantine” is in sale since Friday, April 01, 2016. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “woodcarverdad” and is located in Naperville, Illinois. This item can be shipped to United States.
Order Of St. George And Constantine

Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere

Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere

Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere
If you haveDoubts, questions or need advise: please contact me. You get answer within a day. If you need some time to pay, please inform me and we’ll come to a deal. I write English, German, French and Dutch (and try to in other languages;). This Dutch Model 34 Helmet was issued in april 1940 to a recruit, just some weeks before the Germans attacked on may 10th 1940. The Netherlands had to go under a cruel regime for 5 years. The M34 helmet is a slight different than the M27. The heraldic Lion sign of the Kingdom of The Netherlands is original and was never taken off. Leather liner and nape cover is of original pattern and black in color. Liner felt pads are original. All in all a wonderful addition to any helmet collection. The longer part of the chin strap and the size adjustment strap in the neck are remakes. See also my other advertisements. Die Niederlande hatten unter ein grausames Regime für 5 Jahre zu gehen. In sehr gutem Zustand. M34 Helm ist leicht anders als der M27. Die ursprüngliche olivgrüne Farbe vom Hersteller hat 95 % überlebt. Die heraldischen Löwe-Zeichen von dem Königreich der Niederlande ist originell und wurde nie abgenommen. Leder-Liner und Nacken Cover ist der ursprüngliche Muster und Farbe schwarz. Innenschuh glaubte, dass die Beläge sind original. Alles in eine wunderbare Ergänzung für jede Helm-Sammlung. Der längere Teil der Kinnriemen und die Größe Anpassung Riemen im Nacken sind Remakes. Siehe auch meine anderen anzeigen. Ce casque de 34 modèle hollandais a été délivré en avril 1940 à une recrue, juste quelques semaines avant que les allemands ont attaqué le 10 mai 1940. Les pays-bas devaient se rendre sous un régime cruel pendant 5 ans. Le M34 casque n’est un peu différent de la M27. La peinture verte olive originale du fabricant a survécu pendant 95 %. Le signe héraldique du Lion du Royaume des pays-bas est original et n’a jamais décollé. Cuir doublure et nuque couverture est du modèle original et noir en couleurs. Liner feutre tampons sont originales. Tout en un merveilleux ajout à toute collection de casque. La plus longue partie de la jugulaire et la sangle de réglage de taille au niveau du cou sont des remakes. Voir aussi mes autres annonces. Este casco de 34 modelo holandesa se publicó en abril de 1940 a un recluta, apenas algunas semanas antes de los alemanes atacaron el 10 de mayo de 1940. Los países bajos tuvieron que pasar bajo un régimen cruel durante 5 años. El casco de M34 es levemente diferente de la M27. La pintura verde oliva original del fabricante ha sobrevivido para 95%. El signo de león heráldico del Reino de los países bajos es original y nunca fue sacado. Cuero forro y nuca cubierta es del patrón original y color negro. Trazador de líneas del fieltro son originales. Todo en una maravillosa adición a cualquier colección de casco. La parte más larga de la correa de la barbilla y la correa de ajuste de tamaño en el cuello son remakes. Vea también mis otros anuncios. Questo casco di 34 modello olandese è stato rilasciato nell’aprile 1940 per una recluta, appena alcune settimane prima che i tedeschi attaccarono il 10 maggio 1940. Paesi Bassi dovuto andare sotto un regime crudele per 5 anni. Il casco di M34 è leggermente diverso da quello la M27. La vernice verde oliva originale del produttore è sopravvissuto per il 95%. Il segno del Leone araldico del Regno dei Paesi Bassi è originale e mai è stato tolto. In pelle fodera e nuca copertina è del modello originale e di colore nero. Fodera di feltro pastiglie sono originali. Tutto in tutti una meravigliosa aggiunta a qualsiasi raccolta di casco. La parte lunga del cinturino per il mento e la cinghia di regolazione dimensione nel collo sono remake. Vedere anche altri miei annunci. 34 1940 , , 10 1940. The item “Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere” is in sale since Monday, March 28, 2016. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “roverbert” and is located in Nootdorp. This item can be shipped worldwide.
Fine Dutch M34 helmet WW2 Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere

Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere

Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere

Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere
Do you have questions, doubts, or do you need advise. If you need some time to pay, please inform me and we’ll come to a deal. I write English, German, French and Dutch (and try to in other languages;). This is a Danish Model 1923 steel helmet. Size 58 I think. It weighs more than 1 1/2 kilogrammes. These helmets were worn by the Danish Forces when the Germans took over their country in april 1940. As the Germans took over Government, not much fighting took place, and the army was dismissed. After that, these helmets were used by civil Defence (‘CF’), resistance and several collaborating parties. This helmet is repainted in grey, and had a repro badge. Badges were common from 1928, but not for all units. The liner band has a nice makers’stamp. Have a look at the pictures, and see my other ads as well. Dette er en dansk Model 1923 stål hjelm. Størrelse 58 jeg tror. Det vejer mere end 1 1/2 kg. Disse hjelme blev båret af de danske styrker da tyskerne overtog deres land i april 1940. Tyskerne overtog regeringen, ikke meget kampene fandt sted, og hæren blev afskediget. Efter at blev disse hjelme brugt af civilforsvaret (CF), modstand og flere samarbejdende parter. Denne hjelm er malet i grisenolie, og havde en repro badge. Badges blev fælles fra 1928, men ikke for alle enheder. Liner bandet har en dejlig makers’stamp. Have et kig på billederne og se mine andre annoncer. Dies ist eine dänische Modell 1923 Stahl Helm. Größe 58, denke ich. Es wiegt mehr als 1 1/2 Kilogramm. Diese Helme wurden von den dänischen Streitkräften getragen, als die deutschen ihr Land im April 1940 übernahm. Wie die deutschen übernahm Regierung, nicht viel kämpfen fand, und die Armee wurde entlassen. Danach wurden diese Helme von Zivilschutz (‘CF’), Widerstand und mehrere zusammenarbeitende Parteien verwendet. Dieser Helm ist neu lackiert in grau und hatte eine Repro-Abzeichen. Abzeichen wurden häufig von 1928, aber nicht für alle Einheiten. Die Innenschuh-Band hat eine nette Markierung. Schauen Sie sich die Bilder, und sehen Sie auch meine anderen anzeigen. Il s’agit d’un casque danois modèle 1923 en acier. Taille 58 que je pense. Il pèse plus de 1 1/2 kilogrammes. Ces casques étaient portés par les Forces danoises, quand les allemands ont repris leur pays en avril 1940. Comme les allemands ont pris plus de gouvernement, pas beaucoup de combat a eu lieu, et l’armée a été rejetée. Après cela, ces casques ont été utilisés par la défense civile (« CF »), de résistance et de plusieurs collaborateurs. Ce casque est repeint en gris et avait un badge de repro. Badges étaient communs à partir de 1928, mais pas pour tous. Jetez un oeil sur les photos et voir mes autres annonces aussi bien. Se trata de un casco danés 1923 modelo acero. Tamaño 58 que creo. Pesa más de 1 1/2 kilogramos. Estos cascos fueron usados por las fuerzas danesas cuando los alemanes asumieron el control su país en abril de 1940. Como los alemanes tomaron gobierno no mucho lucha tuvo lugar, y el ejército fue destituido. Después de eso, estos cascos fueron utilizados por defensa civil (‘CF’), la resistencia y varias partes colaboradoras. Este casco se repinta en aceite de gris y tenía una insignia de repro. Divisas eran comunes desde 1928, pero no para todas las unidades. Echa un vistazo a las fotos y ver mis otros anuncios. Si tratta di un casco danese modello 1923 in acciaio. Taglia 58 che credo. Pesa più di 1 1/2 kg. Questi caschi sono stati indossati dalle forze danesi quando i tedeschi presero le loro paese nell’aprile 1940. Come i tedeschi ha assunto la direzione governo, non molto combattimento ebbe luogo, e l’esercito è stato respinto. Dopo di che, questi caschi sono stati usati per difesa civile (‘CF’), di resistenza e di parecchi partiti collabori. Questo casco è ridipinto in gris e aveva un distintivo di repro. Distintivi erano comuni da 1928, ma non per tutte le unità. Dare un’occhiata alle foto e vedere i miei altri annunci pure. The item “Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere” is in sale since Saturday, March 26, 2016. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “roverbert” and is located in Nootdorp. This item can be shipped worldwide.
Marked Danish M23 helmet casque stahlhelm casco elmo Kask kivere

RARE 1920’s Jungdeutscher Orden/Jungdo/Young German Order Uniform Belt Buckle

RARE 1920's Jungdeutscher Orden/Jungdo/Young German Order Uniform Belt Buckle
RARE 1920's Jungdeutscher Orden/Jungdo/Young German Order Uniform Belt Buckle

RARE 1920's Jungdeutscher Orden/Jungdo/Young German Order Uniform Belt Buckle
RARE 1920’s Jungdeutscher Orden/Jungdo/Young German Order Uniform Belt Buckle – Pre-Nazi. This is an outstanding vintage pre-WWII German military belt buckle. This one, from the 1920’s was part of a Jungdeutscher Orden uniform. It is in excellent condition and measures 1 7/8″ x 2.5″ approximately. See photos for details. Please view my other listings for more great militaria and other historical items. See my other listings for more great items. Feel free to ask any questions or raise any concerns that you may have. I try to answer all questions, but questions asked during the listing’s closing hours may not get answered in time. Please view my other items up for sale. The item “RARE 1920’s Jungdeutscher Orden/Jungdo/Young German Order Uniform Belt Buckle” is in sale since Wednesday, September 16, 2015. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “millerhousedotca” and is located in Mactier, Ontario. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Germany

RARE 1920's Jungdeutscher Orden/Jungdo/Young German Order Uniform Belt Buckle



This is an extraordinary example of a Named, one of a kind German Artillery Officer Sword that dates from the early 20th Century. It is mounted with a fabulously patterned, fullered blade that measures 31 5/8 inches in length which remains in very nice condition with only some minor surface staining. The impressive basket guard is embellished in a gorgeous cut out leafy design and adorned on the face with a medallion that features the name of the Officer ” Friedrich Vogt ” please Google for more information… Along with the motto “Treu und Wahr”. The exquisitely detailed basket guard remains in superb, original condition with 95% of its beautiful bright gold wash still present and frames a healthy fishskin wrapped hilt that is sturdy and continues to wear its twisted wire wrap tightly in place along with a portion of leather finger loop. The plated metal scabbard also wears lovely gold washed fittings and although has a few small dings to the base fitting, overall remains very nice in its condition as well. Overall measuring 39 inches in length. TO SEE ADDITIONAL PHOTOS PLEASE SCROLL DOWN. Be sure to add me to your favorites list. Check out my other items. The free listing tool. Get Vendio Gallery – Now FREE! The item “VERY NICE GERMAN ARTILLERY OFFICER SWORD, NAMED” is in sale since Wednesday, December 30, 2015. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “pcay” and is located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This item can be shipped worldwide.

#356 POLAND POLISH GENERAL STAFF BADGE, 1920s, sterling, very rare

#356 POLAND POLISH GENERAL STAFF BADGE, 1920s, sterling, very rare
#356 POLAND POLISH GENERAL STAFF BADGE, 1920s, sterling, very rare

#356 POLAND POLISH GENERAL STAFF BADGE, 1920s, sterling, very rare
#356 POLAND POLISH GENERAL STAFF BADGE, sterling, screw back disk to maker, very rare. The item “#356 POLAND POLISH GENERAL STAFF BADGE, 1920s, sterling, very rare” is in sale since Sunday, March 27, 2016. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “polishmilitaria” and is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country//Region of Manufacture: Poland

#356 POLAND POLISH GENERAL STAFF BADGE, 1920s, sterling, very rare

A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935

A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935
A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935
A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935
A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935
A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935
A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935
A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935
A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935

A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935
A German sabre with scabbard. Reagle – head pommel and guard, made of gild bronze. Intact sabre in very good condition. This item is guaranteed to be genuine, ancient and as described. The item “A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935″ is in sale since Monday, January 11, 2016. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “karabelaii” and is located in Vienna. This item can be shipped worldwide.
A rare German Officers Sword Sabre with Scabbard, 1930-1935

1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING

1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING

1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING
Original CHINA MARINES 1938 vintage US MARINE CORPS USMC M-1917 DOG TAG Pair ALL Acid Etched Style with M-1930 DROOP WING EGA Sterling Silver Ring on WW1 USN WIRE NECKCORD. And has been in my collection for as long. Now it will be in yours…. CHINA MARINES Expeditionary FMF: Malcolm W. Cook served COMPANY D, 4th MARINES in CHINA ASIATIC SERVICE JULY 1939 – APRIL 1941. Very lucky Marine to have left ASIATIC WATERS when he did, otherwise he would have been a POW of the Japanese. WW2 service: OCT 1942 deployed GUADALCANAL Solomon Islands w/ COMPANY C, 7th MARINES, AWOL in Australia w/sheila? , saw combat action on CAPE GLOUCESTER & PELELIU Paulus Islands where his outfit suffered badly. After Peleliu operations, service in CONUS, USMC BARRACKS NAVAL AMMUNITION DEPOT, McAlister, Oklahoma. Ranked in 1955 as MASTER SGT senior NCO. But has VIETNAM service. Circa 1938 CHINA MARINE (& Banana Republic Wars) vintage matching pair of USMC M-1917 pat. DOG TAGS with ALL ACID ETCHED format style with acid-etched fingerprint on reverse sides. Pair of USMC/USN M-1917 pattern DOG TAGS: 1-hole, thin white monel alloy, acid etched fingerprints on reverse sides. Leatherneck info acid-etched done in WW1 USN SEA SERVICE format: enlistment year of 1938 w/ DOB 1913 year. Service branch acid-etched at lower edges. Came w/ solid sterling silver USMC M-1930 Droopy-Wing EGA ring. STERLING hallmark stamped inner, solid type ring with DROOP-WING EGA center motif. A dime will fit thru it with some wiggle room…. And one cent penny will not. Appears well worn and silver tarnished. Also (1) brass footlocker key. All came mounted on WW1 USN regulation linen-covered monel wire neck cord with the screw-barrel clasp…. Used by WW1-1942 SEA SERVICES. Excellent for those collecting WW2 US MARINE CORPS acid etched M-1917 MARINE USMC OVAL DOGTAGS ID DISCS, ID TAGS, NOK TAGS. Ref image from Braddock & GRUNT GEAR chapter by steve rhode. Alec tulkoff’s EQUIPPING THE CORPS. Check out my other items. There is NO RESERVE. Cook was with D Company, 4th Marines in China (July 1939 April 1941) (he was a lucky Marine otherwise he would have been a POW). In October 1942, he lashed up with C Company, 7th Marines. He did a little time on the Canal; AWOL in Australia; saw action on Cape Gloucester and at a little place called Peleliu (where the Japanese shot the hell out of his outfit). After Peleliu, he was sent back to the U. To Marine Barracks, Naval Ammunition Depot, McAlister, Oklahoma. In 1955 ranked as a Master Sergeant. COOK was wounded on PELELIU…. Rec’d the PURPLE HEART medal. The item “1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING” is in sale since Thursday, March 24, 2016. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\WW II (1939-45)\Original Period Items\United States\Personal Gear”. The seller is “dkochi” and is located in California. This item can be shipped worldwide.
1938 USMC CHINA 4th MARINES M-1917 pat. ALL Acid-Etched DOG TAGS & USMC EGA RING

French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww

French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww
French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww
French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww
French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww
French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww
French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww
French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww
French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww
French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww

French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww
If you have doubts, questions or need advise: please contact me. You’ll have your answer within a day. From the Netherlands to worldwide, including Russia: 28 USD. If you need some time to pay , please inform me and we’ll come to a deal. I write in English, German, French and Dutch (and try to in other languages;). H ead size ca 57. Beautiful old French adrian helmet from the interbellum. One of the not-so-easy-to-find models. Model 1936 Helmet of the Defense Contre Aeronefs, DCA. Also used by the DAT (Defense Aerienne du Territoire). The cutouts to the sides enabled ear phones to be used. The shell and interior are original and repaired. The chin strap is a reproduction. Have fun, but first look closely at the photos. Schöne alte französische Adrian-Helm aus der Zwischenkriegszeit. Eines der Modelle nicht-so-einfach-zu-finden. Kaufen Sie diese ein, um Ihre Sammlung von Adrian abzuschließen!! Modell 1936 Helm des Defense Contre Aeronefs, DCA. Auch verwendet von der DAT (Defense Aerienne du Territoire). Die Aussparungen an den Seiten aktiviert Ohr Telefone verwendet werden. Die Schale und das Interieur sind originell und reparierte. Der Kinnriemen ist ein Nachbau. Viel Spaß, aber zuerst achten Sie auf die Fotos. Siehe auch (ich meine: bieten Sie auf ;) meine anderen anzeigen! Beau vieux casque adrian Français de l’entre-deux-guerres. Un des modèles non-ainsi-facile à trouver. Acheter celui-ci pour compléter votre collection de Adrian!! Casque modèle 1936 de la Defense Contre Aeronefs, DCA. Également utilisé par le DAT (défense aérienne du Territoire). Les découpes sur les côtés oreille téléphones à utiliser. La coque et l’intérieur sont originaux et réparé. La jugulaire est une reproduction. S’amuser, mais tout d’abord Regardez attentivement les photos. Voir aussi (je veux dire : enchérir sur;) mes autres annonces! Hermoso casco antiguo de adrian francés de la entre. Uno de los modelos de no-tan-fácil de encontrar. Comprar este para completar su colección de Adrian!! Casco modelo 1936 de la defensa Contre Aeronefs, DCA. (Contra defensa de aviones). También utilizado por el DAT (defensa Aerienne du Territoire). Los cortes a los lados habilitado los teléfonos del oído ser utilizado. La cáscara y el interior son originales y reparados. La correa del mentón es una reproducción. Diviértete, pero primero mira de cerca en las fotos. Véase también (quiero decir: pujar ;) mis otros anuncios! Bellissimo vecchio casco adrian francese dal interbellum. Uno dei modelli non-così-facile da trovare. Acquistare uno per completare la tua collezione di Adrian!! Casco modello 1936 della Defense Contre Aeronefs, DCA. Utilizzato anche da DAT (difesa Aerienne du Territoire). I ritagli ai lati ha permesso ai telefoni dell’orecchio deve essere utilizzato. La shell e gli interni sono originali e riparato. Il sottogola è una riproduzione. Buon divertimento, ma prima guardate attentamente le foto. Vedi anche (voglio dire: un’offerta su ;) altri miei annunci! DAT (Aerienne du Territoire). The item “French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww” is in sale since Sunday, March 27, 2016. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “roverbert” and is located in Nootdorp. This item can be shipped worldwide.
French M36 anti air DCA helmet casque Stahlhelm casco Kask ww

VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath

VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath

VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath
VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in custom leather sheath This is one of the grand daddy’s of them all. The item “VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath” is in sale since Thursday, March 24, 2016. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “4blondesu2″ and is located in Winona, Minnesota. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

VINTAGE Rare REMINGTON UMC RH 38 12 3/8 OA fixed blade knife in leather sheath