Belgian Model 24 Mauser Gewehr 98 Rifle Stock. It has on the bottom two circles with initials. The number is 19954.

39.5 inch total length. Barrel channel is 26 inches. Magazine channel on bottom is 8 inches. It does have a cartouche in the channel I can’t quite identify.

Looks to be in good condition but is untested. Missing the bracket that would allow it to mount onto the tripod. Comes with tripod and case.

One original brazilian model 1908 mauser rifle good condition wood stock with matching handguard, well marked, with the buttplate, nosecap, rear sling swivel and all metal. Wood is very good color and condition, and has brazilian acceptance stamp on the stock and handguard. Also marked restaurado 1939 on left of butt, needs a cleaning, can be refinished or left as is. See my other listings for more Brazilian model 1908 08/34 mauser rifle parts and accessories.

Brazilian M-1924 Mauser V2-24.

One original brazilian model 1908 mauser rifle very ggod condition wood stock with matching handguard, well marked, with the buttplate, nosecap, rear sling swivel. Wood is very good color and condition, and has brazilian acceptance stamp on the stock and handguard. See my other listings for more Brazilian model 1908 08/34 mauser rifle parts and accessories.

One original and very rare Mexican model 1936 mauser short rifle bayonet with matching serial numbered scabbard bayonet and scabbard are in very good to excellent condition, bayonet has factory edge and blue/black finish handles are very good, release works smoothly, serial numbered 15222 near the release, scabbard has factory blue/black finish, ding free, serial numbered 15222 on frog stud. Also fits the mexican, spanish and chilean model 1895 mauser short rifles and carbines, bayonet is for the 7mm mauser caliber mexican model 1936 short rifle, see my other listings for more Mexican model 1936 mauser short rifle parts and accessories.

One original brazilian model 1908 mauser rifle (08/34 carbine) bayonet with scabbard, and leather frog, Bayonet is in good condition, blade is very good, handles are good, release works smoothly, scabbard is leather with brass fittings, frog is in good condition, see my other listings for more Brazilian model 1908 08/34 mauser rifle parts and accessories.

One original Venezuelan model 1900 mauser rifle bayonet in excellent condition, with original scabbard. This bayonet was a belgian manufactured contract bayonet for the venezuelan issued model 71/84 mauser rifles. Bayonet is in excellent condition, blade has the factory edge, handles are very good, release works smoothly, scabbard is very good as well, , see my other listings for more Mexican Peruvian Venezuelan model 1936 1935 1932 mauser short rifle parts and accessories.
Firing Tables for 155 mm G. Filloux Gun Model of 1918 Firing HE Shell Mark III. CONFIDENTIAL – Firing tables for 155 MM. Filloux Gun, Model of 1918, Firing H. Shell, Mark III, United States of America War Office, Prepared by the Ordnance Department, USA, October 1922, 155-B 1, Engineer Reproduction Plant, Washington Barracks, D. 4640; 99 pages; nifty book about the World War One era weapon. Stamped on FEP: Military Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Please feel free to make an offer, or ask about multiple item discounts. Items carefully packed – special packing requests, let me know. Quality books in boxes. Crisp printed labels, w/ moisture protection. Marked properly: “Magnetic Media – Do Not Xray”, International Fragile stickers, Do Not Bend, Glass, etc. Local Pick-up available, contact me. I have an extensive history as a collector of art, scientific items, computers, and bookselling. NOTE: This does not apply to export / import prohibited items.