Post-ww1 German Kapp Putsch Freikorps Telephones Berlin 1920 Photo Postcard Rppc

POST-WW1 GERMAN KAPP PUTSCH FREIKORPS TELEPHONES BERLIN 1920 PHOTO POSTCARD RPPC. POST-WW1 GERMAN KAPP PUTSCH FREIKORPS w/ TELEPHONES BERLIN 1920 PHOTO POSTCARD RPPC. ARMED POST-WW1 GERMAN KAPP PUTSCH FREIKORPS MEMBERS OF THE MARINE BRIGADE EHRHARDT ARE SEEN WITH TELEPHONE CABLE LAYER BACKPACKS, TELEPHONE HANDSETS AND A CABLE WIRE POLE HAND TOOL ON THE STREETS OF BERLIN DURING THE KAPP-PUTSCH in BERLIN MARCH 1919. PARTIAL TRANSLATED PERIOD HAND ID’D ON THE REVERSE IN OLD GERMAN SCRIPT. – – isangn. Was an attempted coup against the German national government in Berlin on 13 March 1920 that lasted 5 days. Also known as the. Was a Freikorps unit of the early Weimar Republic. It was formed on 17 February 1919 as the Second Marine Brigade from sailors (Matrosen) of the former Imperial German Navy under the leadership of Hermann Ehrhardt. The Brigade was used primarily in the suppression of the Bavarian Soviet Republic and the First Silesian Uprising, both in the first half of 1919. In March 1920, faced with its imminent disbanding by orders of the government in Berlin, the Marine Brigade was one of the main supporters of the Kapp Putsch that tried to overthrow the Weimar Republic. VERY SHARP FOCUS WITH VERY GOOD CONTRAST. THIS IS NOT A REPRODUCTION OR A COPY.