1962 West Point Diploma US Army Original Period Item Framed Militaria 27×27

Excellent Preowned condition 26.5×26.5.

Full Militaria Collection As Of July 29th 2024

Originaler Wehrpass Der Wehrmacht Altes Ww2 Militaria History Army

Ciney Militaria Belgium April 2024 Bevo Militaria Com

Neues F R Die Militaria Sammlung Teil 25 Orden Und Ehrenzeichen Der Wehrmacht Dienstauszeichnungen

Neues F R Die Militaria Sammlung Teil 18 Neue Orden Der Wehrmacht Und Sa

Meine Militaria Sammlung Teil 1 Ausr Stung Dokumente Und Orden Der Wehrmacht

WW1 Confidential Model of 1918 Militaria Firing Table Original Period Items

Firing Tables for 155 mm G. Filloux Gun Model of 1918 Firing HE Shell Mark III. CONFIDENTIAL – Firing tables for 155 MM. Filloux Gun, Model of 1918, Firing H. Shell, Mark III, United States of America War Office, Prepared by the Ordnance Department, USA, October 1922, 155-B 1, Engineer Reproduction Plant, Washington Barracks, D. 4640; 99 pages; nifty book about the World War One era weapon. Stamped on FEP: Military Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Please feel free to make an offer, or ask about multiple item discounts. Items carefully packed – special packing requests, let me know. Quality books in boxes. Crisp printed labels, w/ moisture protection. Marked properly: “Magnetic Media – Do Not Xray”, International Fragile stickers, Do Not Bend, Glass, etc. Local Pick-up available, contact me. I have an extensive history as a collector of art, scientific items, computers, and bookselling. NOTE: This does not apply to export / import prohibited items.