Original German Pre-ww2 Anti American Singer Sewing Machine Broadside 1925

GERMAN PRE-WW2 ANTI AMERICAN SINGER SEWING MACHINE BROADSIDE 1925. GERMAN PRE-WW2 ANTI AMERICAN SINGER SEWING MACHINE POLITICAL BROADSIDE 1925. Reich Association of German Mechanics. Every penny earned from the Singer sewing machines goes to enemy countries. Every penny for this does damages to the German national wealth. The Anglo-American The Singer Manufacturing Co. Has been making great efforts for a long time to take over sales of sewing machines in Germany. She wants to create a monopoly for herself. There is a danger that an important branch of German industry will be ruined by large foreign capital, which will force the German sewing machine factories to restrict production and lay off workers. As a result, thousands of small livelihoods are destroyed. The Singer factory in Wittenberge, Potsdam district, whose picture is displayed in all Singer branches, is only an apparently German company. Some finished Singer sewing machines, Singer tops, etc. Come from America and England, where the owners of the Singer shares live and pocket the earnings. In a lawsuit brought by the Singer Co. Before the Schweidnitz Regional Court against our member Knauer (2b 0 554/21). Unfair competition was established by the judgment of October 10, 1923, among others. Been found: The plaintiff is a stock corporation based in Berlin. It manufactures sewing machines known as Singer machines in its factory in Wittenberge and only sells them to the public in its own shops through its agents. It is well known that the American Singer Trust, in order to gain better sales for its goods in foreign countries, has built its own factories in the foreign countries or bought them up and has these factories work under companies that are legally established in the foreign countries appear as domestic. The same is true for the plaintiff. It also uses the patents of the American Singer Trust in its factory in Wittenberge out of. As is also well known, the plaintiff’s machines bear the name of the company, The Singer Manufacturing Co. The needles are called “Singer Needles”. All of these are signs of economic dependence on the American parent company. Regarding the teachers’ tours, it should be particularly pointed out that The Singer Manufacturing Co. , based on the German-American peace treaty, is claiming damages in the enormous amount of. 27 million gold marks. Against the German Reich at the German-American arbitration court. We all have to suffer from this. In doing so, he increases the misery among the German people. German sewing machines are superior to foreign ones! The verdict of the director of an American sewing machine factory before the Finance Committee of the United States Senate in Washington reads: Gentlemen, I regret to tell you that the foreign.. (German) sewing machines are completely equivalent to ours, if not even partially superior. For every German, for every housewife, every seamstress, every master tailor, for every other tradesman and industry that needs sewing machines, but especially for every German school and every German authority. There is only one principle. German, with only German sewing machines! Toni Eggler, Wolfratshausen, mechanical workshop. Reich Association of German Mechanics e. THIS IS ONE OF THE ORIGINAL, LIGHTLY HANDLED BROADSIDES THAT WERE HANDED OUT IN GERMANY LEADING UP TO THE GERMAN 1925 ELECTIONS OF PAUL von HINDENBURG. PRINTED IN GERMANY 1925. BLACK INK ONE SIDE. LIGHT WEIGHT GROUND WOOD NEWSPRINT PAPER. DIMENSIONS: 9″ x 12 5/8″. CONDITION IS EXTREMELY FINE SOME VERY MINOR YELLOWING OF THE PAPER AND. THIS IS NOT A REPRODUCTION OR A COPY.