Rare! Post-ww1 German Man During The Great Depression 1932 Photo Postcard Rppc

POST-WW1 GERMAN MAN DURING “THE GREAT DEPRESSION” 1932 PHOTO POSTCARD RPPC. POST-WW1 GERMAN CITIZEN DURING THE ” GREAT DEPRESSION ” IN LATE 1932 STOPS ON THE STREET IN FRANKFURT HOPING FOR A HANDOUT. In October of 1929, a worldwide depression began. A depression is a severe economic downturn that forced businesses to decrease production and lay off workers. Germany felt the effects of the depression almost immediately. By 1932, 6 million Germans were unemployed in a nation of about 60 million people, lighting the way. Towards World War 2. PERIOD HAND WRITTEN UNTRANSLATED CONTENT WITH LOCATION AND DATE IN OLD GERMAN SCRIPT. FRANKFURT OCTOBER 22,1932. POSTAL REGISTRATION NUMBERED #9603N. VERY SHARP FOCUS WITH VERY GOOD CONTRAST. THIS IS NOT A REPRODUCTION OR A COPY.