Pre-ww2 German Hermann Esser 1928 (beer Hall Putsch) Photo Postcard Rppc

ORIGINAL – PRE-WW2 GERMAN HERMANN ESSER 1928 (JAILED in BEER HALL PUTSCH) POSTCARD RPPC. EARLY PRE-WW2 GERMAN HERMANN ESSER b. 1981 PHOTO POSTCARD RPPC. 19810 was an early member of the National Socialist’s Party in Germany. A journalist, Esser was the editor of the National Socialist newspaper, Völkischer Beobachter, a Propaganda Leader, and a Vice President of the Reichstag. In the early days of the National Socialist’s Party, he was a de facto deputy of Adolf Hitler. At the time of the Beer Hall Putsch on 8-9 November 1923, Esser gave a speech but he told the Leader of the Putsch A. That he was ill and did not actually attend the March. HAND OPAQUED IN THE LOWER RIGHT CORNER OF THE NEGATIVE. CONDITION IS EXTREMELY FINE FOR ITS 95. VERY SHARP FOCUS WITH VERY GOOD CONTRAST. THIS IS NOT A REPRODUCTION OR A COPY.