French mandate 1926 ORDER OF SYRIAN MERIT 4th class medal by Arthus Bertrand

French mandate 1926 ORDER OF SYRIAN MERIT 4th class medal by Arthus Bertrand. SYRIA ORDER OF SYRIAN MERIT (1926) 4th class “Bronze” star. Cross with six arrows (French mandate). In bronze and enamel. 55 x 39 mm SUP. This medal is not a re-strike. Max 3.5mm or 0.137795 inch. Very Good condition please see picture. Authenticity = 100% authentic. Feel free to contact me with any questions about this item, I will be happy to answer you as soon as possible or if you have any other information about it don’t hesitate to inform me. The third party is responsible for the lost, or damage, but the delay can have different reasons which must be dealt with patience, and honesty. I thank you for your comprehension. You will have three (3) days from receipt, to examine and decide to keep the Item or not. In turn, I will be able to do the same. Thank you for your comprehension.