WW1 Confidential Model of 1918 Militaria Firing Table Original Period Items

Firing Tables for 155 mm G. Filloux Gun Model of 1918 Firing HE Shell Mark III. CONFIDENTIAL – Firing tables for 155 MM. Filloux Gun, Model of 1918, Firing H. Shell, Mark III, United States of America War Office, Prepared by the Ordnance Department, USA, October 1922, 155-B 1, Engineer Reproduction Plant, Washington Barracks, D. 4640; 99 pages; nifty book about the World War One era weapon. Stamped on FEP: Military Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Please feel free to make an offer, or ask about multiple item discounts. Items carefully packed – special packing requests, let me know. Quality books in boxes. Crisp printed labels, w/ moisture protection. Marked properly: “Magnetic Media – Do Not Xray”, International Fragile stickers, Do Not Bend, Glass, etc. Local Pick-up available, contact me. I have an extensive history as a collector of art, scientific items, computers, and bookselling. NOTE: This does not apply to export / import prohibited items.