If you haveDoubts, questions or need advise: please contact me. You get answer within a day. If you need some time to pay, please inform me and we’ll come to a deal. I write English, German, French and Dutch (and try to in other languages;). Please ask an invoice before you pay. WW2 Dutch steel helmet M27 in original condition. The helmet is in good condition and all is original. A wonderful survivor, a highly collectable item which will undoubtedly increase in value. See also my other advertisements. Niederländischer Stahlhelm M27 aus dem 2. Sie bieten hier auf einen Helm der niederländischen Truppen WW2, wie er im Mai 1940 gegen deutsche Invasoren eingesetzt wurde. Der Helm ist in einem guten Zustand und ganz original. Ein wunderbarer Überlebender, ein hochsammelbarer Gegenstand, der zweifellos an Wert gewinnen wird. Siehe auch meine anderen Anzeigen. Casque hollandais en acier WW2 M27 en état d’origine. Vous enchérissez sur un casque des troupes hollandaises WW2, tel qu’utilisé contre les envahisseurs allemands en mai 1940. Le casque est en bon état et tout originale. Un merveilleux survivant, un objet hautement collectionnable dont la valeur augmentera sans aucun doute. Voir aussi mes autres annonces. Casco de acero holandés WW2 M27 en estado original. Usted está haciendo una oferta por un casco de las tropas holandesas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, como se usó contra los invasores alemanes en mayo de 1940. El casco está en buenas condiciones y todo es original. Un superviviente maravilloso, un artículo muy coleccionable que sin duda aumentará de valor. Vea también mis otros anuncios. Casca olandez din oel WW2 M27 în stare original. Licitai pentru o casc a trupelor olandeze din al doilea rzboi mondial, aa cum a fost folosit împotriva invadatorilor germani în mai 1940. Casca este în stare bun i totul este original. Un supravieuitor minunat, un obiect extrem de colecionabil, care va crete, fr îndoial, în valoare. Vezi i celelalte reclame ale mele. Elmo d’acciaio olandese della seconda guerra mondiale M27 in condizioni originali. Stai facendo un’offerta per un elmo delle truppe olandesi della seconda guerra mondiale, usato contro gli invasori tedeschi nel maggio 1940. L’elmetto è in buone condizioni e tutto è originale. Un meraviglioso sopravvissuto, un oggetto altamente collezionabile che aumenterà senza dubbio di valore. Vedi anche i miei altri annunci. Helm baja Belanda WW2 M27 dalam kondisi asli. Anda menawar helm tentara Belanda WW2, seperti yang digunakan melawan penjajah Jerman pada Mei 1940. Helm dalam kondisi baik dan semuanya asli. Penyintas yang luar biasa, item yang sangat dapat dikoleksi yang tidak diragukan lagi akan meningkat nilainya. Lihat juga iklan saya yang lain. WW2 M27 WW2 1940 5. The item “Genuin marked WW2 Dutch M27 helmet Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask” is in sale since Sunday, November 7, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “roverbert” and is located in Nootdorp. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Modified Item: Yes
- Country/Region of Manufacture: Netherlands
- Theme: Militaria
- Original/Reproduction: Original
- Modification Description: original badge added recently
- Time Period Manufactured: 1919-38

If you haveDoubts, questions or need advise: please contact me. You get answer within a day. If you need some time to pay, please inform me and we’ll come to a deal. I write English, German, French and Dutch (and try to in other languages;). You can pay by banktransfer and in euro’s as well. Please ask before you pay. WW2 Dutch steel helmet M27 in original condition. This helmet was manufactured in the Netherlands by “Artillerie Inrichtingen” and its shape is a slight different Than is successor, the M34. It has a new Art Deco Bronze emblem representing the coat of Arms of the Netherlands. The helmet is in splendid condition. It still has the Original color from production. A wonderful survivor, rarely seen in this condition. This is an highly collectable item which will undoubtedly increase In value. See also my other advertisements. The item “33 marked genuin Dutch M27 helmet Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask” is in sale since Friday, July 12, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “roverbert” and is located in Nootdorp. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Modified Item: No
- Country/Region of Manufacture: Netherlands

If you haveDoubts, questions or need advise: please contact me. You get answer within a day. If you need some time to pay, please inform me and we’ll come to a deal. I write English, German, French and Dutch (and try to in other languages;). You can pay by banktransfer and in euro’s as well. Please ask before you pay. WW2 Dutch steel helmet M27 in original condition. This helmet was manufactured in the Netherlands by “Artillerie Inrichtingen” and its shape is a slight different Than is successor, the M34. The has a new Art Deco Bronze emblem representing the coat of Arms of the Netherlands. The helmet is in splendid condition. It still has the original dark green color from production. This shell is from production year 1929, so says the production stamp in the bowl’29B B stands for the production steel. A wonderful survivor, rarely seen in this condition. This is an highly collectable item which will undoubtedly increase In value. See also my other advertisements. Holländischer Stahlhelm M27 aus dem 2. Sie bieten auf einen Helm der niederländischen Truppen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, der im Mai 1940 gegen deutsche Invasoren eingesetzt wurde. Dieser Helm wurde in den Niederlanden von der “Artillerie Inrichtingen” hergestellt und hat eine etwas andere Form als der Nachfolger M34. Die hat ein neues Art-Deco-Bronze-Emblem, das das niederländische Wappen darstellt. Der Helm ist in einem hervorragenden Zustand. Es hat immer noch die ursprüngliche dunkelgrüne Farbe aus der Produktion. Diese Muschel stammt aus dem Produktionsjahr 1929, so der Produktionsstempel in der Schale’29B B steht für den Produktionsstahl. Ein wunderbarer Überlebender, der in diesem Zustand nur selten zu sehen ist. Dies ist ein hochsammelbares Objekt, das zweifellos an Wert zunehmen wird. Siehe Bilder, siehe auch meine anderen Anzeigen. Casque hollandais en acier WW2 M27 en état d’origine. Vous offrez un casque des troupes néerlandaises de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, utilisé contre les envahisseurs allemands en mai 1940. Ce casque a été fabriqué aux Pays-Bas par “Artillerie Inrichtingen” et sa forme est légèrement différente de celle du successeur, le M34. Le a un nouvel emblème Art Deco Bronze représentant les armoiries des Pays-Bas. Le casque est en parfait état. Il a toujours la couleur vert foncé d’origine de la production. Cette coquille date de l’année de production 1929, indique le timbre de production dans le bol’29B B représente l’acier de production. Un merveilleux survivant, rarement vu dans cet état. C’est un objet de grande valeur de collection qui augmentera sans aucun doute en valeur. Voir les images, voir aussi mes autres annonces. WW2 Casco de acero holandés M27 en su estado original. Usted está haciendo una oferta en un casco de las tropas holandesas WW2, como se usó contra los invasores alemanes en mayo de 1940. Este casco fue fabricado en los Países Bajos por “Artillerie Inrichtingen” y su forma es ligeramente diferente a la del sucesor, el M34. El tiene un nuevo emblema de bronce art déco que representa el escudo de armas de los Países Bajos. El casco está en condiciones espléndidas. Todavía tiene el color verde oscuro original de la producción. Esta cáscara es del año de producción 1929, dice el sello de producción en el cuenco’29B B significa acero de producción. Un sobreviviente maravilloso, rara vez visto en esta condición. Este es un artículo altamente coleccionable que sin duda aumentará de valor. Ver también mis otros anuncios. WW2 Casco olandese in acciaio M27 nello stato originale. State puntando su un elmo delle truppe olandesi WW2, usato contro gli invasori tedeschi nel maggio 1940. Questo elmetto è stato fabbricato nei Paesi Bassi da “Artillerie Inrichtingen” e la sua forma è leggermente diversa da quella del suo successore, la M34. Ha un nuovo emblema in bronzo Art Deco che rappresenta lo stemma dei Paesi Bassi. Il casco è in splendide condizioni. Ha ancora il colore verde scuro originale dalla produzione. Questo guscio proviene dall’anno di produzione 1929, così dice il timbro di produzione nella ciotola “29B” B sta per l’acciaio di produzione. Un meraviglioso sopravvissuto, raramente visto in questa condizione. Questo è un oggetto altamente collezionabile che aumenterà indubbiamente di valore. Guarda le foto Vedi anche i miei altri annunci. WW2M27 19405Artillerie InrichtingenM34 1929’29BB. The item “29B marked genuin Dutch M27 helmet Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask” is in sale since Thursday, May 23, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “roverbert” and is located in Nootdorp. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Modified Item: Yes
- Country/Region of Manufacture: Netherlands
- Modification Description: badge from other helmet, paint around it restored.

If you have Doubts, questions or need advise: please contact me. You get answer within a day. If you need some time to pay, please inform me and we’ll come to a deal. I write English, German, French and Dutch (and try to in other languages;). Size: Adjustable by the filling of the pads. You can pay by banktransfer and in euro’s as well. Please ask before you pay. Original Czech Czechoslovak M32-34 steel helmet WW2 complete with original leather liner. The helmet was also used by troops on the Axis-side in WW2. The liner and the chinstrap are Original and held by seven bolts. The liner consists of five small cushions. A remarkable helmet for every serious collection. See also my other advertisements. Originální eská eskoslovenská ocelová helma M32-34 WW2 s originální koenou vlokou. Pilba byla ve druhé svtové válce pouívána i vojáky na stran osy. Podloka a brada jsou pvodn dreny sedmi rouby. Linka se skládá z pti malých poltá. Pozoruhodná helma pro kadou vánou sbírku. Viz té mé dalí inzeráty. Original tschechischer tschechoslowakischer M32-34 Stahlhelm WW2 komplett mit originalem Lederfutter. Der Helm wurde auch von Truppen auf der Axis-Seite im Zweiten Weltkrieg benutzt. Der Liner und der Kinnriemen werden ursprünglich von sieben Schrauben gehalten. Der Liner besteht aus fünf kleinen Kissen. Ein bemerkenswerter Helm für jede ernsthafte Sammlung. Siehe auch meine anderen Anzeigen. Casque en acier d’origine tchèque Tchécoslovaque M32-34, WW2, avec doublure en cuir d’origine. Le casque a également été utilisé par les troupes du côté de lAxe au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La doublure et la jugulaire sont à l’origine retenues par sept boulons. La doublure est composée de cinq petits coussins. Belles marques de production. Un casque remarquable pour chaque collection sérieuse. Voir aussi mes autres annonces. Casco de acero original checo checoslovaco M32-34 WW2 completo con forro de cuero original. El casco también fue utilizado por las tropas en el lado del Eje en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El forro y la barbilla se sujetan originalmente por siete tornillos. El trazador de líneas consiste en cinco pequeños amortiguadores. Buenas marcas de producción. Un casco notable para cada colección seria. Ver también mis otros anuncios. Casco originale ceco in acciaio cecoslovacco M32-34 WW2 completo di fodera originale in pelle. Il casco è stato utilizzato anche dalle truppe sul lato dell’Asse nella seconda guerra mondiale. La fodera e il sottogola sono originariamente tenuti da sette bulloni. La fodera è composta da cinque piccoli cuscini. Bei segni di produzione. Un casco eccezionale per ogni collezione seria. Vedi anche i miei altri annunci. The item “Genuin Czechoslovak M32-34 helmet Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere” is in sale since Thursday, April 18, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “roverbert” and is located in Nootdorp. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Modified Item: No
- Country/Region of Manufacture: Czech Republic

If you haveDoubts, questions or need advise: please contact me. You get answer within a day. If you need some time to pay, please inform me and we’ll come to a deal. I write English, German, French and Dutch (and try to in other languages;). You can pay by banktransfer and in euro’s as well. Please ask before you pay. Dutch Model 34 Helmet as used in the Netherlands in may 1940 against the German invaders. This helmet was manufactured in the Netherlands and is slightly different than the M27. A wonderful addition to any helmet collection. Postwar use in the Bescherming Burgerbevolking (BB, civil defence). Size adjustable, See pictures. See also my other advertisements. Niederländische Modell 34 Helm wie in den Niederlanden im Mai 1940 gegen die deutschen Invasoren. Dieser Helm wurde in den Niederlanden hergestellt und ist etwas anders als die M27. Eine wunderbare Ergänzung für jede Helm-Sammlung. Nachkriegseinsatz im Bescherming Burgerbevolking (BB, Zivilschutz). Siehe auch meine anderen anzeigen. Casque Hollandais modèle 34 casque tel quutilisé aux Pays-Bas en mai 1940 contre lenvahisseur allemand. Ce casque a été fabriqué aux Pays-Bas et est légèrement différent de la M27. Un merveilleux ajout à toute collection de casque. Utilisation d’après-guerre dans le Bescherming Burgerbevolking (BB, défense civile). Voir aussi mes autres annonces. Holandés modelo 34 casco como se utiliza en los países bajos en mayo de 1940 contra los invasores alemanes. Este casco fue fabricado en los países bajos y es ligeramente diferente de la M27. Uso de la posguerra en Bescherming Burgerbevolking (BB, defensa civil). Vea también mis otros anuncios. Casco di 34 modello olandese come usato nei Paesi Bassi nel maggio 1940 contro gli invasori tedeschi. Questo casco è stato prodotto nei Paesi Bassi ed è leggermente diverso rispetto alla M27. Uso del dopoguerra nel Burgerbevolking di Bescherming (BB, protezione civile). Vedi anche le mie altre inserzioni. Belanda Model 34 helm yang digunakan di Belanda di Mei 1940 melawan penjajah Jerman. Di dalamnya Anda bisa melihat cat aslinya. Penggunaan pascaperang di Bescherming Burgerbevolking (BB, pertahanan sipil). Lihat juga saya iklan lainnya. The item “Genuin Dutch M34 helmet Stahlhelm casque casco elmo Kask ivere xx” is in sale since Wednesday, July 18, 2018. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\1919-38\Original Period Items”. The seller is “roverbert” and is located in Nootdorp. This item can be shipped worldwide.