Soviet Badge For Graduates of AVIAKHIM Instructor Courses. USSR, 1925-1927

Thank you for looking! Badge for graduates of AVIAKHIM instructor courses. Height: 41.24 mm. Width (prop): 31.09 mm. Weight (w/ screw plate): 6.193 g. Weight w/o screw plate: 4.668 g. Screw length: 8.67 mm. Screw plate width: 16.25 mm. The Society of Friends of Aviation and Chemical. Defense and Industry of the USSR (AVIAKHIM) aimed to further promote the development of aviation, prepare the population for chemical defense and develop the chemical industry. During its existence, the society has issued more than a dozen different signs. It existed from March 1925 until January 23, 1927, when it merged with the Defense Assistance Society (OSO) and received the well -known name – OSOAVIAKHIM. Please note the enamel cracks on the upper right hand side. Many of these items tend to bend easily and the enamel flakes off. Another note is that I don’t think the screw plate is original to the piece (although I’m not sure as I couldn’t find a reference for one). It slides over the top of the worn threads barely catching as it goes along. Ultraviolet image included to show the lack of modern enamel repairs. Reach out to me with any and all questions you have. All sales are final. Condition and authentication are “as seen”.