
Kingdom of Hungary League Of Social Associations Merit Badge, 1929 year

Kingdom of Hungary League Of Social Associations Merit Badge, 1929 year
Kingdom of Hungary League Of Social Associations Merit Badge, 1929 year
Kingdom of Hungary League Of Social Associations Merit Badge, 1929 year
Kingdom of Hungary League Of Social Associations Merit Badge, 1929 year
Kingdom of Hungary League Of Social Associations Merit Badge, 1929 year

Kingdom of Hungary League Of Social Associations Merit Badge, 1929 year
A League Of Social Associations “Merit badge for Hungarian Society”, 1929 year. In silvered and gilt bronze with red, white and green enamels, obverse illustrating the crowned Hungarian coat-of-arms flanked by standing angels on either side, each angel with a hand resting upon the arms, reverse inscribed A T. E. Sz. 1929″ surrounded by the inscription “A MAGYAR TÁRSADALOM LEGIOBBJAINAK on the cartouche, measuring 55.2 mm (w) x 55 mm… A Magyar Társadalom Legjobbjainak – A T. E. Sz. 1929 a Társadalmi Egyesületek Szövetségének kitüntetése, nemzetiszínu zománcozással díszített kereszt, közepén angyalos magyar címer díszítménnyel, hátoldalon szöveggel és két rögzítopánttal ellátva.
Kingdom of Hungary League Of Social Associations Merit Badge, 1929 year
Nazi Lottery Ticket 1 Mark 1935
Rare Latvian 10th Anniversary 1918 1928 Liberation Medal Bronze with Swords